West Loch Modular Housing

‘Ewa Beach, O‘ahu

The West Loch Modular Housing project is a three-story supportive housing building located adjacent to Asing Community Park and the West Loch Elderly Village. The facility provides 58 studio units, as well as a commercial kitchen, lunchroom, laundry room, meeting and counseling rooms, staff lounge, and a property manager’s office. The City is committed to keeping all units affordable for individuals and couples at or below 50% of the area median income.

The City chose to utilize modular construction technologies, making this project one of the first of its kind in the State. Constructed with thirty-nine modular units, the multi-story modular structure went from foundation to top floor in just one week.

Client: City & County of Honolulu Department of Land Management

Location: ‘Ewa Beach, O‘ahu

Size: 28,600 SF

Completion: 2021